Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Nanny Business

There was a fantastic documentary on Wednesday night on the Global TV channel’s Currents series called “The Nanny Business” (

Having worked on prevention of trafficking before and having seen women from the Philippines everywhere in the diplomatic and regular community in Ottawa, caring for homes, children and elderly, deep down I hoped that nothing sinister was going on.

However, as the documentary showed what to the layman looks like a simple case of demand for childcare in Canada and the supply of cheap labour that are women from the Philippines is open to so much exploitation.
I hope that the Canadian government and the civil society manage to engage with the government of the Philippines to rectify the situation.

As far as I am concerned I wish I could employ an Afghan at my home. However, the Canadian government takes over 6 months to deal with a visa application by an Afghan wanting to work for the embassy here while handing out visas to women from the Philippines within weeks without providing them with the necessary in country safeguards.

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