Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thunder over Kandahar

Last week I spoke at the launch of a fantastic book called "Thunder over Kandahar". I was sent a copy a month in advance and I read it all in one sitting. The book is about two girlfriends on an adventure in insurgent controlled Kandahar. I suppose it is for young adults but I found it a delightful read and I consider myself somewhat of an adult!!!

The book was hard to read for me as the memory of war in Afghanistan is still very raw in me but I think if I had a child of reading age I would give her a copy right away and then have a good discussion at the end.

A must read for young Canadians wanting to understand Afghanistan but more importantly for young Canadians wanting to understand the role of the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan.
Highly recommended!!! Now go and buy a copy here.

Oh and I suggest that the young readers should pester the author, Sharon McKay, after reading the book with questions on her visits to Kandahar as a war artist.  She was the first young people's writer I have ever met and she is exactly how a fantastic young people's writer should be. I won't say much. You have to find out for your self. Her website is right here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Images of Afghanistan - Exhibition of Undiscovered Afghan Art

I am so delighted to anounce that we are holding an exhibition of arts from Afghanistan at the embassy 240 Argyle Avenue from the 20th to the 26th Sep 10am to 630pm. Please come along if you are in town and also forward the information below to others.

In a time when most images of  Afghanistan shown in the media are the dusty and crude war images, seeing this colorful face of Afghanistan captured by Afghan artists provides a balance.

I look forward to seeing you all.


Chehlcherogh Art Gallery from Kabul has brought together a selection of Afghan art created by artists living and working in Kabul. These pieces will be on display, and for sale, next week at the Afghan Embassy, 240 Argyle Avenue, in Ottawa. Ranging from traditional miniature paintings and drawings, to more contemporary takes on calligraphy, this exhibit brings to light a varied and emerging group of artists making their entrance to the North American art market.

La galerie Chehlcherogh de Kabul rassemble une sélection d'art afghan créé par des artistes vivant et travaillant à Kaboul. Ces pièces seront exposées et en vente la semaine prochaine à l'ambassade de l'Afghanistan, située au 240 avenue Argyle, à Ottawa. Cette exposition met en valeur une groupe d'artistses variés et émergents faisant leur entrée sur le marché de l'art nord américain. Elle inclut des peintures et dessins plus traditionnels, ainsi que des pièces de calligraphie plus contemporaines.